Problem Solver Solution Kit
Event Date/Time
- Tuesday, February 06 2024
4:30 PM — 6:30 PM
Course Description:
This is the third session of a four-part Social Emotional training series designed to provide teachers with the physical and mental tools necessary to implement positive behavior supports in their toddler and preschool classrooms. Participants will receive a Classroom Kit filled with materials to use during the training and take back to their classrooms. Each session has a different Classroom Kit filled with materials.
Participants who complete all four sessions will receive a BONUS Classroom Visual Display Kit and on-site Coaching!
Learning Outcomes:
The learner will:
- help children become more independent by teaching them the steps for solving a problem. The problem-solving scripted story helps children understand these steps. The Steps are:
- Identify the Problem.
- Identify potential solutions
- Evaluate potential solutions
- Try a solution
- implement the use of the Solution cards in their classrooms
- explain 10 different ways to solve problems so they have a variety of ways to support children learning these new skills.
Assessment Types: Pre and Post Assessments
Criteria for earning CEUs: ELCEC requires all learners to participate in group work, assignments, surveys, and end-of-training evaluations within each learning event. Attendance and participation along with the successful completion of any and all assignments with a score of 80% or higher unless otherwise stated, will result in the award of CEUs.
Specifically for this learning event: Participants must successfully complete 2.0 training hours, pre and post assessments, post-training survey and actively participate in group discussions. Participants will earn 0.2 CEUS for the successful completion of all requirements.
Contact Information: Melanie Tarver, at or email
All participants must complete the Learner Policies and Procedures/ Attestation Form prior to attending the first day of training.
You may scan QR Code to fill out the Learner Policies and Procedures/ Attestation Form or click on the link.
*All calls and messages are responded to within 24 hours of receipt on business days.
This event is limited to 40 people.
There are currently 10 seats remaining.